Show the relationship between parental involvement and student academic and behavioral outcomes

The Challenge: 

It is widely believed that the extent of parental involvement can affect that academic growth of young students. "I Care" offers a broad parental involvement program for elementary students. While informal feedback and testimonials suggested that the "I Care" program is effective, "I Care" asked SEG to collect and analyze additional data to support this belief.

The Solution: 

SEG analyzed data from several schools using the "I Care" Positive Parenting Character Curriculum. SEG examined academic results, asking the question does greater involvement of parents using the "I Care" curriculum contribute to greater student academic gains? The study involved approximately 300 students from three schools looking at the growth in language arts and mathematics test scores over time. The results showed that higher levels of parental involvement using the "I Care" Positive Parenting Character Curriculum increases the amount of growth in language arts and mathematics over time.